Photovoltaic Panels

Are you looking for the ideal solution to control your energy bill, reduce your ecological footprint or make your home more profitable?
Invest in a photovoltaic system!
It's the first step towards the energy transition and allows you to control all or part of your electricity bill.
In addition, you can secure your capital and make it grow quickly: solar panels offer a return of up to 9% per year!

How do photovoltaics panels work?

When photovoltaic panels are installed on your roof or in your garden, they absorb ambient light and transform it into direct electrical current. This direct current is then converted into alternating current by an inverter to power your lighting and electrical appliances.

If your photovoltaic system generates more electricity than you consume, the excess is transferred to the electricity grid. In turn, this causes your electricity meter to run backward, resulting in a significant reduction in your electricity bill. However, it's worth noting that this is not the case in Brussels.

Find out what your advantages are with solar energy !
✓ Long service life
✓ Lower energy bill
✓ Subsidies
✓ Higher home value
✓ Reduce CO2 emissions. The energy generated by solar panels is clean energy

Photovoltaics and EPB certificate

When you have your property assessed by an EPB certification body, the overall energy consumption of the building is taken into account. The certification body collects a series of data for this purpose, based on five specific indicators. These indicators all have an impact on the theoretical annual consumption of your building. By pooling this data, a so-called EPB certificate is generated.

This certificate offers the possibility to compare the energy performance of buildings on the market in an objective way.

Thus, among the specific indicators used in the preparation of the EPB certificate is the category "Use of renewable energy". This category detects and evaluates the presence of systems using renewable energy and/or producing electricity, including solar photovoltaic installations.

Eurener is our photovoltaic panel provider

It is one of the oldest manufacturers of photovoltaic panels in Europe. Founded in 1997 at the European Centre for Innovative Enterprises (CEEI), EURENER is a pioneering European solar energy industrial group based in Valencia, Spain. It stands out for its innovative and sustainable photovoltaic panels.

All of our photovoltaic systems come with 20-year product warranties and 30-year performance warranties, ensuring that you receive top-quality and long-lasting solar energy solutions.

✓ Residential use ✓ Commercial use ✓ Industrial use

• Reduce energy costs and increase energy independence

• Estimated production: ~150 kWh/m²/year

• Configurable ON-GRID or for own consumption

• Easy to install on the roof / floor

• Lifetime > 40 years

• Return on investment < 10 years

Download the brochure here.

Huawei is our inverter provider

With nearly 100,000 engineers and over €100 billion in annual sales, Huawei is quite simply the largest inverter manufacturer in the world. They are the only ones to offer both inverters and batteries, which makes the PV system highly integrated and manageable, while benefiting from a 10 to 20 year warranty. Certainly an excellent choice for a long-term investment.

Download the brochure here.

Ethernet connection to inverter

Ethernet connection to inverter.

Download the brochure here.

Smart PV Optimizer

With this Smart PV Optimizer, the solar panels can operate efficiently even with shading up to 30%.

Download the brochure here.

Smart Power Sensor

Measures home consumption.

Download the brochure for the Smart Power Sensor here.

FusionSolar app

Measures home consumption within the FusionSolar mobile app.

Download the brochure for the Smart Power Sensor here.

Download the FusionSolar mobile app here.

Solar Panels, Photovoltaic Panels, Thermodynamic Panels: What is the Difference?

Solar panels is a more generic terms of two types of panels:

a) Solar thermal panels for producing domestic hot water
b) Photovoltaic solar panels that produce electricity.

a) Solar thermal panels can be thermodynamic, or water based and they produce domestic hot water. Delex Belgium does have solar thermodynamic panels and heat pumps in the portfolio, feel free to contact us at: for an offer!

b) Photovoltaic solar panels (also abbreviated PV panel) are based on silicon solar cells, and they produce electricity. There are several types of photovoltaic solar panels, mostly used today are the monocrystalline which offer best price/kW ratio. Here is a short description of them:

- Monocrystalline
- Polycrystalline
- Solar film

Monocrystalline PV panels:
A single pure silicon crystal that has been divided into numerous cells is used to create these solar panels. Those panels are usually black and are the ones that Delex uses both for industrial and domestic installations. They are the most efficient, long lasting, and best looking of the 3 types but also the most expensive. They are the most common type on the market nowadays.

Polycrystalline PV panels:
As the title infers, these come from diverse silicon precious stones rather than one, giving them a light blue color. They are less space-effective, have lower warm resistance and are less productive in high-temperature situations but are cheaper to produce. Those panels are losing ground in favor of monocrystalline ones and Delex does not use them anymore.

Solar Film panels:
Thin-film panels are characterized by very fine layers and are thin enough to be flexible. Each panel does not require a frame, making it lightweight and easy to install. They come in a variety of sizes, depending on your needs. However, they are almost twice as less efficient than crystalline ones. Delex does not offer this type of panel.

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