Frequently Asked Questions

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Solar Panels, Photovoltaic Panels, Thermodynamic Panels: What is the Difference?

Solar panels is a more generic terms of two types of panels:

a) Solar thermal panels for producing domestic hot water
b) Photovoltaic solar panels that produce electricity.

a) Solar thermal panels can be thermodynamic, or water based and they produce domestic hot water. Delex Belgium does have solar thermodynamic panels and heat pumps in the portfolio, feel free to contact us at: contact@delex.eco for an offer!

b) Photovoltaic solar panels (also abbreviated PV panel) are based on silicon solar cells, and they produce electricity. There are several types of photovoltaic solar panels, mostly used today are the monocrystalline which offer best price/kW ratio. Here is a short description of them:

- Monocrystalline
- Polycrystalline
- Solar film

Monocrystalline PV panels:
A single pure silicon crystal that has been divided into numerous cells is used to create these solar panels. Those panels are usually black and are the ones that Delex uses both for industrial and domestic installations. They are the most efficient, long lasting, and best looking of the 3 types but also the most expensive. They are the most common type on the market nowadays.

Polycrystalline PV panels:
As the title infers, these come from diverse silicon precious stones rather than one, giving them a light blue color. They are less space-effective, have lower warm resistance and are less productive in high-temperature situations but are cheaper to produce. Those panels are losing ground in favor of monocrystalline ones and Delex does not use them anymore.

Solar Film panels:
Thin-film panels are characterized by very fine layers and are thin enough to be flexible. Each panel does not require a frame, making it lightweight and easy to install. They come in a variety of sizes, depending on your needs. However, they are almost twice as less efficient than crystalline ones. Delex does not offer this type of panel.

What to Do Before and After Installing Your Photovoltaic Panels in Belgium?

Before Installation:
- Contact Delex.
- You will receive a preliminary quote.
- Visit from Delex.
- Accept the offer.
- Pay the 40% deposit.
- Establish an installation date.
- Installation + commissioning of the system.

After Installation in Flanders:

1. Notify your electricity supplier and home insurer that you have installed photovoltaic panels.

2. Electrotest (+32 2 751 98 39) will contact you for the conformity check.

3. Within 30 days after the technical inspection:
- Visit fluvius.be.
- Click on "Aansluitingen"
- Select "Elektriciteit"
- Choose "Zonnepanelen"
- In the first paragraph, click on "zonnepanelen"
- Click on "Meld je zonnepanelen aan"
The link is also available at www.fluvius.be/zonnepanelen-melden.
- Log in or create an account via eID or itsme.
- Follow the next steps.

4. Solar Panel Subsidy:
- Visit fluvius.be.
- Click on "Premies."
- Click on the link "Vraag je premie aan" and follow the steps.

After Installation in Brussels:

1. Notify your electricity supplier and home insurer that you have installed photovoltaic panels.

2. Electrotest (+32 2 751 98 39) will contact you for the conformity check.

3. Visit Brugel.Brussels:
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and place your cursor on the tab "énergies renouvelables."
- Click on "certification d’une installation."
Follow this link: https://www.brugel.brussels/nl_BE/themes/hernieuwbare-energie-11/certification-of-an-installation-34.
- Click on "le formulaire de demande de certification" and choose between the forms: PV – Certification d’une installation.
- Click on the PDF tab, print the form, and fill it out.
- Once completed, return to the previous page "Certification of an installation," and at the bottom of the page, you will find a list of organizations to send your form to.

4. After your installation has been certified, Brugel will send you an activation email with your access to Brugel's Extranet: https://extranet.brugel.be/home/. This is the platform where you can manage your green certificates.

After Installation in Wallonia:

1. Notify your electricity supplier and home insurer that you have installed photovoltaic panels.

2. Electrotest (+32 2 751 98 39) will contact you for the conformity check.

3. If you have a two-hour counter, ask Ores to install a single-hour counter. The installation cost and purchase of the single-hour meter (compteur mono horaire) is set at €160 excl. VAT via the link: https://www.ores.be/particuliers-et-professionnels/compteur-double-flux.

4. Declare your photovoltaic installation:
- Visit Ores.be.
- Go to "production d’énergie et mobilité" -> "la production d’énergie" -> "installation d’une nouvelle production d’énergie" -> "Déclarez votre unité de production d’énergie."
- Also via the link : https://formulaires.ores.be/declaration-prosumer?step=1.

For questions about the procedure, please contact us at: contact@delex.eco.